March 28, 2021

Revelation # 7

Passage: Revelation Chapter 2

#7: “Chapter Two”
As I’ve already mentioned, there are those who see the seven churches as
representing seven chronological stages of the church age. In other words, the church
started out being like the Ephesian church and chronologically became like the
remaining six, meaning that we are in the Laodicean church stage today.
It sounds good, and even makes some sense, but the fly in the ointment of this
interpretation is that at any given time the church has been like any of the seven, and at
any given time, individual churches may be like any one of the seven. So, the
interpretation falls on its face.
I see the seven churches as different characteristics of the church throughout the
church age or different characteristics of individual churches during the church age,
which leads me to ask what church characterizes today’s church? Or which church
represents Village Christian Church? Think about these questions as we work our way
through chapters 2 and 3.
First, let’s consider…

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