November 7, 2021

Journey through John # 10

Passage: John 6:1-21

#10: “Jesus Feeds 5,000 and Walks on Water”
SCRIPTURE: John 6:1-21

“After this…” What is the “this”? “This” is the conversation Jesus had
with the Jews who confronted Him for healing the man at the pool and for calling
God His own Father, making Himself equal with God.
However, “after this…” is not immediately after this…” Actually, there’s a
whole year’s ministry between John 5 and 6. During that time there were
controversies about the Sabbath, the Sermon on the Mount, the raising of the
widow’s son in Nain, the healing of the demoniac at Gergesa, a second visit to
Nazareth, the twelve sent out in pairs, and Herod’s desire that Jesus visit him.
These things were included in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, but not in John’s
He and His disciples walked to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. On that
side, it’s called the Sea of Tiberias, after the city of Tiberias, which is on the
This reminds me that the Rio Grande, which forms the southern border of
Texas. On the Mexican side it’s called the Rio Bravo.
A large crowd was following because of the healing of the sick He was
doing. Have you ever noticed how excited people get over healing? They get
more excited over healing than over how to earn a million dollars! They get
more excited over healing than over how to go to heaven! Why?
The people of Jesus’ day got excited about it because they’d never seen
anything like it. The people of today get excited about it because it’s something
their doctors can’t do.
But should we get excited about healing? Yes and no. Yes, for the reason
I’ve already stated. No, since it’s not God’s priority. Healing doesn’t come to all
who ask; it’s not a regular miraculous thing.
Our infirmities are due to thousands of years of sinful living, beginning
with Adam and Eve, and continuing through the lives of our forefathers. The
perfect genes that God created have been mutated time and time again, making
most of us susceptible to all kinds of diseases and maladies. God has made
provision for new bodies that are perfect once again.
The big event we’re looking at today is…

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