January 8, 2023

#3 Types of Jesus (Part 2)

Passage: John 5:39-40

#3: “Types of Jesus” (Part 2)
SCRIPTURE: John 5:39-40
Last week we saw how Adam was a “type” of Christ:
• He was like Christ in his origin;
• He was like Christ in his likeness to God;
• He was like Christ in that he was the son of God;
• He was like Christ in that he was given authority or dominion over the earth;
• He was like Christ in that he gave up his life in order that the world could be saved;
• He was like Christ in that he was the father of all the people of the earth; and
• He was like Christ in that while his sin caused us all to be sinful, Christ’s sinlessness
enables all of us to be righteous.
Before we move on to another “type” of Christ, I want to remind you of what Jesus
himself said in John 5:39-40: “You search the Scriptures, because you think you will find
eternal life in them. The Scriptures tell about me, but you refuse to come to me for eternal
The first “type” of Christ I want to call to your attention today is Adam’s and Eve’s
second son

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