February 19, 2023

#9 The Cities of Refuge

Passage: Numbers 35 & Joshua 20

#9: “The Cities of Refuge”
SCRIPTURE: Numbers 35; Joshua 20
In Numbers 35:10-15, God told Moses to tell the people of Israel: “After you have
crossed the Jordan River and are settled in Canaan, choose Safe Towns, where a person who
has accidentally killed someone can run for protection. If the victim’s relatives think it was
murder, they might try to take revenge. Anyone accused of murder can run to one of these
Safe Towns for protection and not be killed before a trial is held.
“There are to be six of these Safe Towns, three on each side of the Jordan River. They
will be places of protection for anyone who lives in Israel and accidentally kills someone.”
Furthermore, if the person guilty of “manslaughter” was acquitted of the murder
charge, he was to stay in the “city of refuge” or “Safe Town” until the death of the High
Priest. If he left before the High Priest died, he was “fair game” for the victim’s family. If he
stayed until the death of the High Priest, he could safely return to his own town.
The six cities designated as “Cities of Refuge” or “Safe Towns” were: 1. Kedesh; 2.
Shechem; 3. Hebron; 4. Bezer; 5. Ramoth; and 6. Golan.
The Hebrew that is translated “Cities of Refuge” or “Safe Towns” could also be
translated “asylum” or “restricted place.” Today, we might call them “sanctuary cities.”
I submit to you this morning that these “Cities of Refuge” comprise a “type” of Christ.
In Hebrews 6:18, the writer tells us: “We have run to God for safety.” Christ is a “Safe Town”
for us sinners who have chosen to believe in Him in the following ways:

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