October 20, 2024

Avoid Godlessness

Passage: 2 Timothy 1:1-7

Avoid Godlessness (2 Timothy 1:1-7)


  • As you may recall Paul endured two periods of imprisonment…
  • The Book of Acts closes with Paul under house arrest in Rome. Although he was always linked to a guard, he lived in his own quarters and was able to have visitors. After his release form house arrest Paul embarked on yet another missionary journey, probably into Spain. Upon his return to Rome, he was arrested for a second time. This time, however, Paul was put in a dark, damp dungeon. Why? The reason most probably lies with the then-emperor of Rome Ceasar Nero.
  • According to historical evidence, such a megalomaniac was Ceasar Nero that he desired to burn Rome to rebuild it and become known as the supreme architect of a rebuilt Rome. Thus, most historians believe that Cesar Nero was the one who set the fire that did, indeed, burn the city in A.D. 64. Needing a scapegoat for the fire, Nero chose to blame Christians. “These Christians are always talking about being the light of the world,” he said, “but really they’re nothing but a bunch of arsonists and cannibals”-referring to Communion. Eventually, Caesar Nero would ride through his palace grounds, shrieking with glee, as he watched Christians lit as human torches.
  • Why did Nero descend to such depths of insanity? Historical evidence points to the fact that Nero went insane after he had a discussion with Paul the apostle. Church history indicates that Paul was indeed brough into a discussion with Nero before he was beheaded. Thus, it was at the point that Nero rejected the gospel that he seemingly lost his mind. Awaiting trial before Ceasar, Paul picks up his pen for the last time… Paul was encouraging his associate to keep the fire burning brightly so that it might generate spiritual power in his life.

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