#6: “John the Baptizer Teaches About Jesus” SCRIPTURE: John 3:22-36 INTRO: When John wrote “After this…” he was referring to the conversation Jesus had with Nicodemus. This conversation took place…
#5: “God Gives Us a Pure Heart” INTRO: Thus far in this series I have talked about: 1. The need to guard your heart; 2. The fact that God and…
#4: “Our Hearts Must Be Broken” INTRO: Last Sunday the message was “The Heart Is Deceitful,” based on Jeremiah 17:9, where God said through the prophet: “The heart is deceitful…
#3: “The Heart Is Deceitful” INTRO: Centuries ago, through Solomon, God told His people: “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Last Lord’s Day…
#2: “God Knows Our Hearts” INTRO: Proverbs 4:23 is the theme verse for this series: “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” That’s the…