January 22, 2023

#5 The Passover Lamb: a type of Christ

Passage: 1 Corinthians 5:7

#5: “The Passover Lamb as a Type of Christ”
SCRIPTURE: 1st Corinthians 5:7; Exodus 12:1-50
The apostle Paul says in 1st Corinthians 5:7 that “Our Passover lamb is Christ.”
In Exodus 12, Moses tells us all about the “Passover lamb.” I suggest you keep your
Bibles or your electronic Bible devices open to this chapter as we consider how an event in
the history of Israel involving a lamb relates to Christ and our relationship to Him. This is a
major key in understanding the Christian belief system.
Let me set the scene. The Israelites, who came to Egypt at the invitation of Joseph
during a time of famine in the land, became slaves to the Egyptians. God sent Moses to
rescue them, but Pharaoh became stubborn and would not allow them to go. To persuade
him, God sent ten plagues or calamities upon the Egyptians. The tenth one consisted of an
“angel of death” who would pass over the land, killing the first-born in ever family, except in
the homes where the blood of a sacrificial lamb or goat had been smeared on the door frame.
As Pharaoh’s own son was one of the victims, he relented and told Moses to take his people
and go.
Exodus 12 contains the instructions concerning the sacrificial lamb and the description
of the night the angel of death passed over the land.

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