Feeding of the Five Thousand
Feeding of the Five Thousand
Luke 9:10-17
• Bad People (Luke 5:27-32, Calling of Levi (Matthew))
• Surprise Guest (Luke 7:36-50, Sinful Woman)
• A Loaded Roster (Luke 14:1-24, Wedding Feast and Great Banquet)
• Just Say No
o Ability to Say No Sets Boundaries (vv. 29-34)
o Ability to Say No allows us to Prioritize Needs and Values
(vv. 35-39)
• Luke 9:10-17
• Set the context: Mark 6:30-31
• How does this relate to my life?
• All four gospels record this event: It’s critical.
• This story helps us to understand who Jesus is. The questions of who Jesus is; is a critical question.
• But we like to base who Jesus is, according to us. Based on our circumstances. You name it.
Meal with Jesus