May 22, 2022

Journey through John # 36

Passage: John 19:38-20:18

#36: “Jesus’ Burial and Resurrection”
SCRIPTURE: John 19:38-20:18
We may breathe a sigh of relief that the horrible crucifixion is
over. Jesus is no longer hanging there, on that cruel instrument of
Roman torture.
Have you ever wondered why the cross became the prominent
symbol of Christianity? Why we wear crosses around our necks
instead of replicas of the empty tomb? Why do we wear replicas of
such a cruel instrument of torture and death? Why glorify an
instrument of torture and execution in a religion that is supposedly
all about new life, forgiveness, and redemption?
Here’s a short answer: We Christians find comfort in the cross
as a representation of Jesus and His love for us. We don’t glorify the
cross; we wish to glorify the one who died on that cross. It serves as
a reminder of His ultimate sacrifice that we who believe in Him as the
Son of God might have eternal life to look forward to.
Today, we consider the resurrection of Jesus from the dead,
but first

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