July 24, 2022

The Biblical Worldview

Have you ever listened to someone state his or her views on
some ethical, political, moral, social or religious issue and wonder,
“Where in the world is he (or she) coming from? Why do people think
the way they do?”
A nationwide survey by the Barna Research Group revealed that
only 4% of Americans have a “biblical” worldview. When the views of
only those who claimed to be born-again believers were considered,
the results rose to only 9%.
But what are we talking about here? What’s a “worldview”?
What’s a “biblical” worldview?
A worldview is the framework of beliefs or presuppositions by
which we view our lives, society, and the world around us.
It’s a combination of ideology, philosophy, and theology that
forms the basis of how we live and deal with the issues of life.
A “biblical” worldview is one that is based on the belief that the
Bible is the Word of God and that it should be the foundation of how
life and the world should be viewed.

I have a “biblical” worldview. Do you? When George Barna did
his survey, he asked people the following questions:
1. Do absolute moral truths exist?
2. Is absolute truth defined by the Bible?
3. Did Jesus Christ live a sinless life?
4. Is God the all-powerful and all-knowing Creator of the universe,
and does He still rule it today?
5. Is salvation a gift from God that cannot be earned?
6. Is Satan real?
7. Does a Christian have a responsibility to share his or her faith in
Christ with other people?
8. Is the Bible accurate in all of its teachings?
These are the questions that only 9% of those who claimed to be
born-again believers said “Yes” to

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