June 12, 2022

The Foundations have been destroyed

Passage: Psalm 11:3

#2: The Foundations Have Been Destroyed!”

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 11:3


Ken Ham, president, founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis, recently wrote:

“Something is happening to America – in fact, to the entire once Christianized Western world.  Whether you get your news from television or online, the information is the same.  The United States is no longer the country she once was.  It is shocking to compare the worldview of today’s generation with the one embraced by older generations in the West.

“America has the largest number of Christian churches, colleges, seminaries, resources and media of any nation in the world.  Yet, her values and predominant worldview demonstrates that America is becoming less Christian every day.  Western culture is changing.  In fact, Western civilization as a whole is becoming less Christian in its worldview, whether it’s the United Kingdom, Europe or Australia.  We are seeing moral relativism spread throughout Western culture like an infectious disease.  There’s even talk that an ideological civil war is being waged in America.  And as moral relativism enjoys greater national acceptance, Christians and their worldview are treated with increasing intolerance.

“Simultaneously, Christians are not having an impact on culture and those in it, choosing instead to remain content and safe within their own churches and Christian circles.  We are not imparting the gospel in a way the next generation can grasp.  Of course, the message of the gospel hasn’t changed, but the way people think has changed dramatically.  Therefore, we must speak the truth of Scripture in the language of the culture” (Gospel Reset, pp. 15-18).

What we are seeing is that which is identified by David in Psalm 11:3: “…if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”  Our foundations are being destroyed.

First of all, I want to point out how

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