
Peace on Earth (Luke 2:14) Introduction: • Luke 2:14 • The Words “Peace on Earth” often grace Christmas Cards, Decorations and Songs during the holiday season. Yet when we look…
A Race full of Teammates (2 Timothy 4:9-22) Recap: • What is expected of the Racers? (2 Timothy 4:1-8) o Embrace the charge to Preach the Word (vv. 1-2) o…
What is expected of the Racers (2 Timothy 4:1-8) Recap: • “Passing the Baton” (2 Timothy 3:10-17) o Model the Gospel (vv. 10-11)  Great Things  Hard Things o…
Passing the Baton (2 Timothy 3:10-17) Recap: • Finish Chapter 1 • Finish Chapter 2 • “The Heart to Run the Race (2 Timothy 3:1-9) o Running the Race with…
The Heart to Run the Race (2 Timothy 3:1-9) Recap: • Finish Chapter 1 • Enduring the Race (2 Timothy 2:1-13) • Engaging Opponents in the Race (2 Timothy 2:14-26)…
Engaging Opponents in the Race (2 Timothy 2:14-26) Recap: • Finish Chapter 1 • Enduring the Race (2 Timothy 2:1-13) o Borrow Strength from the Grace that is in Jesus…
Enduring the Race (2 Timothy 2:1-13) Recap: • Avoid Godlessness (2 Timothy 1:1-7) • A Charge to All Disciples (2 Timothy 1:8-18) o Focus on what God has given you…
A Charge to All Disciples (2 Timothy 1:8-18) Recap: Avoid Godlessness (2 Timothy 1-1-7) Growing by having Loving Relationships (vv. 1-2) Growing by having a Consistent Prayer Life Growing by…
Avoid Godlessness (2 Timothy 1:1-7) Introduction: As you may recall Paul endured two periods of imprisonment… The Book of Acts closes with Paul under house arrest in Rome. Although he…
Approved Worker (1 Timothy 6:17-21) Recap Finish Chapter 1 Finish Chapter 2 Finish Chapter 3 Finish Chapter 4 Finish Chapter 5 Living as Servants Part 2 (1 Timothy 6:1-2) Fan…
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