
INTRO: Have you ever listened to someone state his or her views on some ethical, political, moral, social or religious issue and wonder, “Where in the world is he (or…
5: “America’s Secular Age”  SCRIPTURE: Judges 2:1-3, 6-12, 16-17, 21:25 INTRO: In the days after Moses and the days when Joshua was too old to lead, Israel was led by…
#4: “From an Acts 2 to an Acts 17 Culture”   SCRIPTURE: 1st Timothy 4:1-4           1I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who…
#2: The Foundations Have Been Destroyed!” SCRIPTURE: Psalm 11:3 INTRO: Ken Ham, president, founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis, recently wrote: “Something is happening to America – in fact,…
#1: “This Is Not Your Father’s America!” SCRIPTURE: Acts 17:16-21 INTRO: Ken Ham, of the Answers in Genesis organization, wrote in his book, Gospel Reset: “Billy Graham passed away February…
#37: “Jesus’ Appearances After the Resurrection” SCRIPTURE: John 20:19-21:25 First of all, this morning, note that after showing Himself to Mary Magdalene, JESUS APPEARED TO THE TEN DISCIPLES (20:19-23).
#36: “Jesus’ Burial and Resurrection” SCRIPTURE: John 19:38-20:18 INTRO: We may breathe a sigh of relief that the horrible crucifixion is over. Jesus is no longer hanging there, on that…
#35: “Jesus Is Crucified” SCRIPTURE: John 19:1-37 INTRO: This is John’s account of the crucifixion. As I’ve mentioned previously, John wrote this account of Jesus quite a bit later than…
#34: “Jesus Before Pilate” SCRIPTURE: John 18:28-40 INTRO: Note that… THE JEWS WOULD NOT ENTER THE GOVERNOR’S OFFICE SO PILATE WENT OUTSIDE TO MEET WITH THEM. The Scripture passage for…
#33: “Jesus’ Arrest and Trial and Peter’s Denial” SCRIPTURE: John 18:1-27 INTRO: We are rapidly approaching the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry. The shadow of the cross has appeared. It…
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