
#32: “The Lord’s Prayer” SCRIPTURE: John 17:1-26 INTRO: While we commonly refer to the model prayer in Matthew 6 as “The Lord’s Prayer,” here in John 17 is really “the…
“A JOURNEY THROUGH THE GOSPEL OF JOHN” SERIES #31: “Take Heart; I Have Overcome the World” SCRIPTURE: John 16:16-33 INTRO: Isn’t it interesting, the way Jesus’ words translate in verse…
“A JOURNEY THROUGH THE GOSPEL OF JOHN” SERIES #30: “The Work of the Holy Spirit” SCRIPTURE: John 16:4-15 INTRO: In our passage for today, Jesus continues His parting teaching to…
#29: “The Hatred of the World” SCRIPTURE: John 15:18-16:4 INTRO: The chapter divisions in Scripture aren’t always in the right places.  This section is one of those places.  Chapter 15…
#28: “The Vine and the Branches” SCRIPTURE: John 15:1-17 INTRO: Jesus often taught His disciples by having them focus on common, everyday things, like fishing, shepherding, and footwashing. In this…
#27: “Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit” SCRIPTURE: John 14:15-31 INTRO: Love is the incentive for obedience, and obedience can be proof of love. John says it this way in his…
#26: “Words of Comfort to Believers” SCRIPTURE: John 14:1-14 INTRO: I couldn’t say it any better than my late friend, Paul Butler, said it in his commentary on the gospel…
#25: “Betrayal, a New Commandment, and Denial” INTRO: As this passage opens, Jesus and the disciples are still at the supper table, preparing to eat the Passover meal. Jesus has…
#24: “Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet” SCRIPTURE: John 13:1-20 INTRO: None of the other three gospel writers record these parting instructions Jesus gave to His disciples while they were gathered…
#23: “The Hour has Come for the Son of Man to be Glorified” SCRIPTURE: John 12:20-50 INTRO: Jesus has just shown Himself to be the most courageous man of all…