
#27: “Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit” SCRIPTURE: John 14:15-31 INTRO: Love is the incentive for obedience, and obedience can be proof of love. John says it this way in his…
#26: “Words of Comfort to Believers” SCRIPTURE: John 14:1-14 INTRO: I couldn’t say it any better than my late friend, Paul Butler, said it in his commentary on the gospel…
#25: “Betrayal, a New Commandment, and Denial” INTRO: As this passage opens, Jesus and the disciples are still at the supper table, preparing to eat the Passover meal. Jesus has…
#24: “Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet” SCRIPTURE: John 13:1-20 INTRO: None of the other three gospel writers record these parting instructions Jesus gave to His disciples while they were gathered…
#23: “The Hour has Come for the Son of Man to be Glorified” SCRIPTURE: John 12:20-50 INTRO: Jesus has just shown Himself to be the most courageous man of all…
#22: “The Triumphal Entry” SCRIPTURE: John 12:1-19 Jesus is on His way to his last Passover, which was just six days away. He was visiting again in Bethany, the hometown…
#21: “The Raising of Lazarus” SCRIPTURE: John 11:28-57 INTRO: Last week we learned that Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha, died from an illness of some kind. Word was…
#20: “The Death of Lazarus” SCRIPTURE: John 11:1-37 INTRO: The people involved in this remarkable episode in the life and ministry of Jesus are Mary, her sister, Martha, and Lazarus,…
#19: “I and the Father Are One” SCRIPTURE: John 10:22-42 INTRO: In this part of chapter 10, John takes us from the Feast of Tabernacles in September to the Feast…
#18: “I Am the Good Shepherd” SCRIPTURE: John 10:1-21 INTRO: Here in chapter 10, in the events following His encounter with the Pharisees about healing the man born blind, Jesus…