
#12: “Jesus at the Feast of Booths” (Part 1) SCRIPTURE: John 7:1-24 INTRO: Here again John uses the phrase, “After this.” What is “this”? “This” refers to the conversation Jesus…
#11: “The Bread of Life” SCRIPTURE: John 6:22-71 INTRO: The day after the crowd of thousands had been fed, Jesus and His disciples were at the plain of Gennesaret, where…
#10: “Jesus Feeds 5,000 and Walks on Water” SCRIPTURE: John 6:1-21 INTRO: “After this…” What is the “this”? “This” is the conversation Jesus had with the Jews who confronted Him…
#9: “Jesus Is Truly God’s Son” SCRIPTURE: John 5:18-47 INTRO: Jesus had just healed a man on the Sabbath, which to the Jews was a really bad thing. Not only…
#8: “Healing in Galilee and Jerusalem” SCRIPTURE: 4:46-5:17 INTRO: Jesus has traveled from Sychar in Samaria back to Cana in Galilee where He performed His first miracle, the changing of…
#7: “Jesus and the Woman of Samaria” SCRIPTURE: 4:1-45 INTRO: John tells us that Jesus decided to leave Judea and return to Galilee on a route which necessitated passing through…
#6: “John the Baptizer Teaches About Jesus” SCRIPTURE: John 3:22-36 INTRO: When John wrote “After this…” he was referring to the conversation Jesus had with Nicodemus. This conversation took place…
#5: “Visit from a Ruler of the Jews” SCRIPTURE: John 3:1-21 INTRO: Jesus was, apparently, still in Jerusalem where He had gone to celebrate Passover. John relates in verses 1…
#4: “A Wedding, a House Cleaning, Signs, and Rejected Converts” SCRIPTURE: 2:1-25 INTRO: Three days after the calling of Phillip, Jesus was in Cana, which wasn’t far from Nazareth. Cana…
#3: “Jesus Calls His First Disciples” SCRIPTURE: John 1:35-51 INTRO: As I pointed out last week, John’s gospel account isn’t synoptic. That is, it’s not like Matthew, Mark, and Luke.…