VILLAGE BIBLE STUDY 9AM weekly in the worship center.

 Join us any Sunday for Bible Study beginning at 9AM. From 8:45, we have breakfast treats with coffee, hot tea, and/or water; then, the class begins at 9AM. Most of the year 2025 will be spent in the gospel of Luke. Luke is the only gospel written by a non-Jew. Luke was a physician, a historian, and a faithful companion of the Apostle Paul on his second and third mission trips. Mark is generally considered to be the first gospel, written (51-55AD), followed by Matthew, and then Luke around 60-61AD. Luke’s carefully written history of the life of Jesus was the most complete in many historical details, but it lacks many of the references to Judaism found in the other gospels. The gospel of Luke was written to an individual (Theopilus) but assured many Gentiles who were coming to faith in Jesus that his message was for “all” who loved God.

In our Village Bible Study, you will find an informal class where usually about ½ a chapter per Sunday will be covered, and we will be looking for application to our lives as well as information about our savior, Jesus.

Come Join Us!